It shall be the duty of the Membership Chair to maintain a complete and accurate record of each member of the Post and to prepare and mail all membership cards to Post members, documentation to Department Headquarters at the earliest possible time after receiving dues monies. The Post Membership Chair is also responsible for the standings of the Post at the annual Department Convention.
The 1st Vice-Commander shall appoint as many members in good standing, deemed necessary to serve on the Post Membership Committee, to assist in performing the duties of this office.
Section 3. 2nd VICE-COMMANDER. The 2nd Vice-Commander shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of Commander in the absence or disability of, or when called upon by the Post Commander when the 1st Vice-Commander is not available to assume the duties. The 2nd Vice-Commander shall serve as the Post House and Entertainment Chair. This Chair shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the care of the Post quarters, promotion of club advantages and arrangements for social functions, and shall Chair the Entertainment Committee. The 2nd Vice-Commander shall appoint as many members in good standing, deemed necessary to serve on the Post Home and Entertainment Committee to assist in performing the duties of this office.
Section 4. ADJUTANT. The Post Adjutant shall have charge of, and keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep such records as the Department and National organizations may require, render reports of membership annually or when called upon at a meeting, and under the direction of the Commander, handle all correspondence of the Post.
Section 5. FINANCE OFFICER. The Finance Officer of the Post shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in some local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the Executive Committee, the condition of the finances of the Post, with such recommendations as may be deemed expedient or necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the Post. The Finance Officer shall sign all checks disbursing the monies of the Post; shall furnish such surety bond in such sum as shall be fixed by the Post Executive Committee.
Section 6. HISTORIAN. The Post Historian shall be charged with the individual records and incidents of the Post and Post members, and shall perform such other duties as may properly pertain to the Office as may be determined by the Post or the Executive Committee.
Section 7. CHAPLAIN. The Post Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the Post comrades and will offer divine, but non-sectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by National or Department headquarters from time to time.
Section 8. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall preserve order at all meetings and shall perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned by the Post Executive Committee.