ARTICLE IV – ELECTIONS (added in 1996) (amended 7/15/03)
Section 1. The officers of the Post shall be elected at the 1st regular meeting in May (the first Tuesday) of each year and take office after they are duly installed. The elected officers shall hold office for a one-year term.
Section 2. The Post Commander shall appoint a Chair of a Nominating Committee in the month of March. The Nominating Committee Chair shall select four additional committee persons from Post members in good standing. The Nominating Committee shall report to the membership on the first Tuesday in April, identifying a candidate for each of the elected offices, except for the Members-At-Large.
Section 3. Members can make nominations for Officers from the floor.
Officers shall be elected by ballot, and the candidate receiving a majority of votes shall be elected.
Section 4. The incoming Post Commander shall select two members in good standing to be placed in nomination for the office of Members-At-Large, at his first regular Post meeting.
The Post members shall elect the nominated candidates by ballot vote, or nominate and elect candidates by ballot from the floor.
Section 5. Candidates for office shall not be placed in nomination without the consent of the nominees.
Section 6. The Adjutant shall notify the financial Post members by mail of the annual elections at least 10 days before the elections are to take place, but no later than the fourth week in April.
Section 1. COMMANDER. It shall be the duty of The Post Commander to preside at all meetings of the Post and to exercise general supervision over the business and affairs of the Post, and such officer shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Post. The Post Commander shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the Post for the year and recommendations for the ensuing year, which shall be read at the annual regular meeting, and a copy thereof immediately forwarded to the Department Adjutant. The Commander shall perform such other duties as directed by the Post.
Section 2. 1st VICE-COMMANDER. The 1st Vice-Commander shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of Commander in the absence or disability of, or when called upon by the Post Commander. The 1st Vice-Commander shall also serve as the Post Membership Chair. The Membership Chair is responsible for processing all applications for Post membership, and to insure that members are notified when their annual membership renewal is due.